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Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI) has conducted a survey on reference data in the field of art and architectural history and related disciplines. In the first part, the sources of the reference data used were queried and secondly, the survey focused on the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT). The most important results can be found here.
SARI presents the AAT and its use and discusses possible cooperation and translation projects at an information event on Friday, 25 January 2019, 10:15-12:30 am, room RAA-E-30.
Please register by clicking on the following link:
1. Welcome
2. SARI project presentation
3. Overview Reference Data Projects
4. Introduction AAT and translation project:
5. Presentation of interested cooperation partners
6. Next steps
7. Questions and answers
Snack and further discussions
For further information, questions and any cooperation interests, please send us a message: