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Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI)

Semantic Reference Data Model (SRDM)

Currently available in English only. 

The Semantic Reference Data Model (SRDM) project - named after the method for approaching semantic modelling and semantic model documentation that it has devised - aims to encourage the uptake of ontologies in the art and architectural research sector by providing reference data patterns for common modelling situations in the domain. The goal of SRDM is to offer a starting point for projects working towards general data integration to adopt good data modelling practice and to have a guaranteed standard with which to devise semantic representation. While the adoption of semantic data is viewed as a priority for the support of sustainable research, especially under the rubric of FAIR data, the difficulty of learning and applying the ontologies for structuring such data has heretofore posed a significant practical barrier to its broader adoption and application. SRDMs aim to help solve this problem by providing easy to follow recipes for the representation of common data structures in historical and humanities documentation, additionally providing ready made data query and mapping patterns to implement the recommended semantics. The SRDM consists of twelve model patterns, 59 collection patterns, and 376 field patterns all of which form a building block set for adopting and implementing semantic data in research projects. The patterns adopt the CIDOC CRM as their base ontological model and use the CRMaaa and CRMcpr ontologies to model particular historical fact constructs. Moreover, they follow Linked.Art, a partner project, in many of their base modelling strategies ensuring a broad compatibility with museum datasets currently being made available in open source semantic formats.