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Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI)

Art and Architectural Argumentation Conceptual Reference Model (CRMaaa)

CRMaaa, the Art and Architectural Argumentation Conceptual Reference Model, is a formal ontology expressly built as a tool to enable historians in documenting and tracing the historical evolutions of social situations in an enriched semantic data format. In order to document and explore historical facts in a sustainable and data driven environment, researchers need an extensible set of concepts and categories, an ontology, that enables them to express the facts that matter to them. At first, this may seem to pose an insurmountable problem; historical research is, by its nature, an open domain, capable of potentially unlimited subject matter. But, if we consider the overall kinds of facts that historical research, at its core, needs to be able to accurately record and recall, we arrive at a more general idea of what is required. On the one hand, there are events (and their parameters) and, on the other, the evolution of social and cultural forms as initiated by, maintained through or ended by such events. CRMaaa meets these two basic data representation needs. It achieves this goal by extending the event-centered logic of the CIDOC CRM (International Council of Documentation Conceptual Reference Model), with a social fact centric logic for describing facts of social agreement that arise and disappear by convention. The ontology provides a rich set of modelling constructs that account for a broad selection of commonly documented historical facts, such as socially contextualized family and social relations, social status, rights status, and obligation, which have proven to be challenging to existing ontologies in the cultural heritage domain to date. It further provides a basic social fact centered logic that may be extended to cover areas of interest beyond its original modelling scope, in a coherent and logically consequent fashion. CRMaaa was designed through the analysis of a wide set of historical documentation and comes with a rich set of practical examples of its application in this domain. Under the aegis of SARI, there is an ongoing commitment to its maintenance and enrichment through dialogue with the user community. It is maintained publicly in the OntoMe ontology development repository and stable versions are stored on GitHub.

Further Information

Consult the github repository for stable versions and documentation:

Consult the OntoMe site to follow the evolution of the development of the standard: