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Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI)

Creative Process Representation Conceptual Reference Model (CRMcpr)

CRMcpr, the Creative Process Representation Conceptual Reference Model, builds from and extends the event centric modelling of CIDOC CRM (International Council of Documentation Conceptual Reference Model) and the process modelling of FRBRoo (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Record Ontology) in order to support a deeper representation of creation and creative works. The ontology elaborates a rich formal model for documenting the different potential stages and outputs of creative processes and how they interact with people, ideas and objects over time. The possibility of data-driven art historical research depends on the ability to draw from a rich set of informational assets: from the cataloged resources of museums, archives and libraries, to the objects and the contents thereof of the objects produced in the creative process such as works, designs and treatises. What is lacking, however, for the treatment and understanding of this data is a digital language with the expressive capacity to connect them to the empirical historical trajectory they attest. A core concern of art historical research is to trace the evolution of creative works from idea, to design to realization, as well as across their iterations and variations. While the model provides an explicit model for such different steps which are easily discernible in a modern Western context, it provides the framework neutral to what aspects of it might be required historically. Certain traditions or historical periods may use some processes and not others. Scoped to encompass artistic and architectural creation, CRMcpr provides a digital framework for tracing the events, event parameters and the outputs of artistic processes from original conception through programming, designing and planning stages, all the way to the realization of works. It allows for the documentation of an artistic work in its various phases, as an idea, as an objective, as a design, plan and realized outcome. CRMcpr provides a rich model for documenting the actual historical flow of creative processes regardless if they adopt one or all of these steps depending on historical or cultural bounds. The objective of CRMcpr is to give researchers the means to go beyond object centered information systems to recording the connecting events around these objects (material or immaterial) supporting the documentation, tracing and interrogation of the historical evolution of the artistic products as unique outputs of equally unique creative processes.

Further Information

Consult the github repository for stable versions and documentation: 

Consult the OntoMe site to follow the evolution of the development of the standard: